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UltraFind 1.0.3ƒ
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UltraFind™ Version 1.0.3
Designed and Programmed by Julian Linford and Steve Linford.
Copyright © 1993 UltraDesign Technology Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
UltraFind is a powerful File Scanner utility specially developed for System 7
that can quickly find specific files or groups of related files - anywhere on
your computer or network - and move them to another location or network
volume (or open, copy, label, examine, backup and/or remove them).
Searching on just about any conceivable combination of Macintosh file
attribute, UltraFind is designed to go and get the exact document you need
from among countless documents with similar file names or types, or
collect files from all over your system and move them to new locations.
UltraFind will scan any mounted media (hard disks, network volumes,
Syquests, CD-ROMS, Opticals, tape streamers, floppies etc.) looking for:
• Specific words, or parts of sentences anywhere WITHIN files
• Groups of files such as Fonts, Filters, Xtensions, TIFF, PICT, EPS etc.
• Unused files, duplicate files, invisible files, Aliases, obscure files etc.
• Files that need backing up (and it backs them up)
• Search by Name, Date, Label, Size, Creator, Type, Contents, etc.
• Look inside files of any kind and examine the raw data.
The User Licence fee is: 37 Dollars US or 25 Pounds UK
(or the equivalent in your local currency) payable by Credit Card or cheque.
If you can, please pay by Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard or EuroCard ONLY)
as the banks charge us a fortune to cash international cheques.
You can register by post or fax (or Email - just copy the form below)
BY FAX: Fill in the form below and fax it to us on: London (071) 630-9105.
(The international dial code for Central London is: 00 44 71)
BY POST: Fill in the form below and mail it to us. If you are sending a cheque,
please make it payable to "UltraDesign Technology Ltd" and for
the equivalent in your currency of 25 Pounds Sterling (US$ 37).
Upon receipt of payment we will dispatch your unique registration number,
which will unlock this copy of UltraFind, removing the unregistered software
alerts, and personalising it to you. You registration number will also work
on future upgrades, ensuring a FREE upgrade path and Technical Support.
Please complete and post or fax to:
UltraDesign Technology Ltd. Tel: (44 71) 931-0010
69 St.George's Square Fax: (44 71) 630-9105
London SW1V 3QN AppleLink: ULTRA.TEC.UK
England (InterNet: ultra.tec.uk@applelink.apple.com)
Please send me 1 UltraFind™ User Licence at UK£ 25 (US$ 37)
Company (if applicable):......................................................................................
City:...................................................................... State:............................................
Telephone:................................................... Fax: ......................................................
If paying by Credit Card (VISA, MASTERCARD or EUROCARD ONLY)
please also complete this next part:
Card Number:............................................................ Expiry Date:............................
Name as on the card.................................................. Card Type:.............................
I authorise UltraDesign Technology Ltd. to debit £25 Pounds Sterling
(or the equivalent in my local currency) to the above Credit Card.
Signature:............................................................................. Date:...............................
Version History
1.0.3 Product Upgrade
• Now includes file sorting when in Finder View mode.
• Now also switches file list views (Finder view, Hierarchical view,
Pathname view) if the User presses the spacebar.
• Now allows up to six Raw Data Viewing windows to be opened at one
time to assist file comparisons.
1.0.2 Maintenance Release
• Now builds a permanent Applications list and sorts applications A-Z
by pressing the "Creator List" pop-up menu in the File Type box.
1.0.1 Maintenance Release
• Now also finds empty folders if file size search option is set as zero
and the Folders option is selected. (Substitutes file size for actual
number of items in a folder)
• Now carries on searching if an error of type -1304 (File System
Directory Catalog Changed) is encountered. (ie: Auto-compression
software changing files while UltraFind is reading them)
• Now handles Meta-characters, ie "/" or "-" in volume names, so that
those volumes are included in the scan.